On Wednesday 26 September 2018, Kanyoyo Primary School in Mongu district hosted a handover ceremony for 20 inclusive Early Child Care, Development and Education funded by Save the Children Italy. The ceremony was graced by the first lady of the republic of Zambia Mrs. Esther Lungu, the Minister of general education David Mabumba and the director of operations for the Zambia country office Chilobe Kambikambi.
In western province, Save the Children has been implementing an education project focusing on early learning and development in collaboration with the ministry of general education since 2012. The aim of the project is to improve quality of education and learning outcomes in eccde centres. Save the Children has taken an integrated approach to eccde by incorporating child protection, child safeguarding, school health and nutrition.Through this project, 20 eccde centres have been constructed in shangombo, luampa, nkeyema, lukulu, mongu, kalabo, sioma and kaoma districts. Additionally, six community based centres have been established and linked to primary schools for continuous technical support. These centres are already benefitting over 2,000 children between the ages of three and six, these centres have indoor and outdoor play facilities. we have also provided teaching and learning materials and classroom furniture.
I am very delighted as the mother of the nation that apart from government taking ECE facilities to all parts of the country, cooperating partners such as Save the Children have come on board and channelled their resources to our very needy rural people. For a long time focus has been on urban children so I whole heartedly thank save the children for this work that has come at a great cost to the donors that support Save the Children International." The first of the republic of Zambia - Mrs. Esther Lungu